PROCESS: Placements are strictly controlled by official US Treasury compliance and regulatory authorities both in the US and Europe (“Compliance”) whose full review of any Placement proposal and permission to proceed is required before acceptance by a very large European or Singapore bank (“Dealer-bank”). The Dealer bank allows conduct of the trading process on its trading floor under the supervision of the Fiduciaries Trading-Platform Administrator.
PROJECT SPECIFIC: All Placements are “project driven” in that the greater part of any profits earned must be used for pre-approved projects, preferably providing humanitarian benefits that promote employment, housing, education, energy, etc.
PROJECT(S) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Prospective trade participants (“Clients”) need to provide an Executive Summary of their project(s) covering all projects the Client expects to be financed from the Placement. The Fiduciary needs to present a full dossier to Compliance for their review and approval which cannot be done without the Clients Project(s) Executive Summary.
The Executive Summary (Projects) is made up of individual Project Summaries:
- No more than one or two pages
- Presented in the English language
- Stating the scope, intention, schedule, and stages to completion of the project
- Stating a verifiable total value for each project (a complete Business Plan may be requested)
- Total value should include any income taxes on Placement profits applied to project
- Clearly stating the humanitarian aspects of the project
- Stating (if possible) the expected project profit returns for the first 3 years after completion
- Stating that a full Business Plan for the project(s) will be available if requested
- Provided in “Word” format
The internet is flooded with falsehoods concerning placement profits. Dealer banks DO NOT pay out Placement profits expressed as a percentage of the amount of Client capital invested but rather as the total project value required to implement the project(s) as expressed in the Project Executive Summary. The Dealer bank produces profits up to the total value of all the pre-approved projects from trading along with tax(es) and the Lifestyle portion arriving at a Net profit.
We provide leverage capital for a variety of investment grade and principal protected funding transactions. These include but are not limited to:
- Investment programs/trading platforms/matched trading.
- Funding against or monetization of investment grade notes.
- Capital funding secured by documentary letters of credit.
- Commercial projects that are backed by financial guarantee bonds.
- Credit/Withdrawal facilities where permitted investments are defined as replacement collateral acceptable to the financial institution.
- Bridge and Mezzanine financing where there is an acceptable investment grade takeout.
- Balance sheet enhancements including show money, proofs of funds, etc
Bank Guarantees (BGs) can be Monetized for: Cash, Placed into Trade Programs (PPP Private Placement Programs) or a Hybrid of Immediate Cash and funds in a Trade Program. BG and SBLCs that can be Monetized include: Top 25 Bank BG and SBLC, Rated and Unrated banks, Instruments with a Value OVER 100 Million Dollars. These bank instruments can be used to finance commercial real estate transactions; qualify for financing; credit enhancement; blocked funds; providing evidence of proof of funds; net worth requirements; leverage funding for large commercial projects; commodities transaction; and funding and participating in trading platforms.
Our Traders can trade against your Collateral- Asset Portfolios, for PROVEN ASSET OWNERS. Clients’ Collateral can be Mines, Commercial Real Estate/ Luxury Homes, Land, Casinos, Gold, Diamonds, Art, and more. ASSETS will have NO Liens..
Funds can be used for project funding, Commercial Lending for Asset Based Lending, Factoring, Equipment Leasing, Commercial Real Estate, Merchant Card Processing, Merger and Acquisition, Merchant Cash Advance, Working Capital, Expansion Commercial Bridge Loans, Debt Restructure.