1. Structure
- Asset-Based Lending Facilities
- High-Yield Debt
- Revolving Credit Facilities
- Mezzanine Capital
- Leveraged Loans
- Equity-Linked Securities
- Private Equity
- Bridge Loans
- Public Equity
We advise and execute for IIBs SPVs a broad range of complex financing transactions, and in select situations have the additional ability to act as a capital provider. IIB Capital Markets solutions take a variety of different forms including:
2. Transaction Types
- Acquisition Financings
- Pre-IPO Capital Raises
- Private Equity Syndications
- Initial Public Offerings
- Bank Debt Amendments and Extensions
- Follow-On Offerings
- Restructurings
- Dividend Recapitalizations
- Buybacks
As a company matures from a start-up to a larger company, it will usually require capital to finance the expansion of its operations. They will raise the required capital either through equity markets – on a stock exchange – or through debt markets. The transactions are facilitated by investment bankers, lawyers, and accountants who ensure that the ownership transfer is legally executed and that enough investors are willing to invest their capital into the company.
After the money’s been invested, and securities are issued in exchange, investors can decide to sell their securities on the secondary market to other investors.
Equity Capital Markets
IIB raise equity financing in the public and private markets. IIB is in charge of the execution of all equity capital market transactions – investments and divestments – undertaken by the IIB. An important part of its function is to provide market intelligence and insight to the Equity Committee and other forums. Working with the Equity and Risk teams, it is involved in the active monitoring and management of the IIB’s listed equity portfolio.
Debt Capital Markets
Financing solutions for acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, recapitalizations, growth initiatives and debt refinancing. As a leading provider of leveraged finance products for financial sponsors, middle market companies and large corporations, we offer the expertise, the streamlined credit and execution process, and the capital strength and distribution to support a wide array of financing needs.
IIB has experience in debt capital markets, leveraged finance, syndications, fixed income and corporate finance. We bring broad industry-based relationships and deep product experience to provide strategic thinking and certainty of execution supported by:
- A broad range of cash flow of IIB SPVs
- Fixed Income capabilities, including sales and trading.
- We focus on delivering intelligent, appropriate and innovative ideas for financing structures and syndication strategies creating significant value.
- Acquisition financing
- Dividend recapitalizations
- Leveraged buyouts
- Restructurings
- Short- and long-term refinancings
- Investment grade and high-yield bonds
Securitized Products
IIB has developed asset-backed securitized credit solutions that enhance balance-sheet liquidity and efficiency.
Leveraged Capital Markets
Our Leveraged Capital Markets Group provides non-investment grade issuers the capital they need to grow, fund acquisitions and realize other key goals.