APRIL 29,2020
Giant Idea Limited and Vistalux Limited signed on July 29, 2019, with the Republic of Ghana represented by The GOVERNMENT OF GHANA acting through the Ministry of Works and Housing, a construction contract for 200,000 social housing. Build affordable housing units for middle- and low-income workers within Government, Ministries, Department, Agencies and the Public as well as Private Sector Institutions, approximately 15,000 Acres. The Government will supply lands, roads, and utilities & exempt developer/contractor from all import duty and taxes.
120,000 2-Bedroom & 80,000 3-Bedroom apartments in 3-storey,block compounds with a total of 80 apartments as well as ample parking spaces at each compound. • Complementary facilities including a Police Station & shopping centre.
25 Acre area per location (Greater Accra and & any others at discretion of developer/contractor), for Schools, Light industries (e.g., Bakeries), Shopping Mall, Banks, Restaurants, Boutiques & Hospital, Solar System: Capable of generating up to 2 MW/Site is under consideration.
Vistalux limited will furnish all materials and build 200,000 affordable apartments with a total floor area of approximately 17,200,000 square metres in all the Regional capitals of Ghana for Public and Private Sector workers in accordance with the accepted plans and specifications included and made a part of this contract.
The whole development will feature 200,000 apartments with the most up-to-date amenities to be developed in selected towns in all the Regional capitals of Ghana as follows:
- Two Bedroom Apartments: 120,000 new two-bedroom apartments.
- Three Bedroom Apartments: 80,000 new three-bedroom apartments.
Giant Idea Limited and Vistalux Limited wishes the project to be carried out and financed by IIB Development Group, LLC and signed a contract on April 29,2020 with IIB-DG.
About IIB-DG Africa
IIB Development is a consortium of US-based companies specializing in financing and infrastructure development. IIB Development Group brings together experts in synergistic industries to develop turnkey innovative solutions in infrastructure and development – housing, roads, water and wastewater, energy, railways as well as financing of all these projects
IIB Development Group is a centre of excellence for financing and infrastructure development at affordable levels using environmentally sustainable approaches, which meet the growing needs of developing countries. IIB-DG offers state-of-the-art, innovative, and affordable technology and work with the governments and local partners, including, where possible, setting up manufacturing plants locally to produce building units for residential and commercial structures.
For over 40 years, DR. Horton, a member of IIB-Development Group has been building, constructing, producing machines, and transferring technology to its customers all over the world. DR. Horton is listed in all magazine as the Number #1 Home Builder in America and the world with billion of revenues per year.
IIB Development Group is a leading provider of an innovative building system capable to reduce construction time in the high-scale housing projects, thus offering a strong solution in the socio-economic development of emerging markets throughout the world. Building system allows fast, efficient, and large-scale construction through the construction of innovative products and processes.
About Giant Idea Limited and Vistalux Limited
Vistalux Limited, the Developer and main promoter of the project, is incorporated in Accra, Ghana, under the Ghana Companies Code, in October 2001 as a limited liability company. It is a full service Ghanaian firm involved in numerous aspects of the real estate industry. Throughout the years, Vistalux has been involved extensively in the construction of high-quality, low-cost real estate buildings. Additional service lines have included site selection and lease negotiation services, construction administration, and management services.
Company Name: Vistalux Limited
Mailing Address: Post Office Box GP 1137, Accra, Ghana
Phone numbers: +233-249-151152
Website: www.vistaluxltd.com
Email address: vistaluxlimited@yahoo.com
Contact Person: Kojo Ansah/Managing Principal: C.E.O. & President.
Media Contacts
Carolina Mateos
Corporate Affairs and Investor Relations
IIB Development Group