March 25,2020
THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT of the Republic Democratic of Congo and IIB DEVELOPMENT GROUP CONSORTIUM, a company incorporated with limited liability under IIB Development Group, LLC, a District of Columbia limited liability company having principal offices located at 1050 Connecticut Ave., N.W., 5th Floor, Washington D.C. 20036 , have signed a MoU for the Financing, Development, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the International Airport of Ndjili under PPP delivery mode/ design, build, finance, operate and maintain (DBFOM).
The new airport will become DRC’s largest International Airport, serving commercial flights destined to and from the greater Kinshasa area and act as a hub for DRC flights’s growth strategy and commercial airlines serving the region.
Privatization objectives:
- Address the existing low quality of service and improve operational efficiency;
- Increase the level of commercial activity and airport revenues;
- Address capacity limitations with minimum risk to the government;
- Optimize sale proceeds within the context of broader privatization and policy objectives.
Improve traffic flow, ensure the economic and social development of DC through the impact of project in the area of influence. Effectively fight poverty and increase the employment rate during and after the construction work. Improve the image of the country at the international level – its central position in the center of Africa continent,promotes its role as a regional and international correspondence platform.
About IIB-DG Africa
IIB Development is a consortium of US based companies specializing in financing and infrastructure development. IIB Development Group brings together experts in synergistic industries to develop turnkey innovative solutions in infrastructure and development – housing, roads, water and wastewater, energy, railways as well as financing of all these projects.
IIB Development Group is a centre of excellence for financing and infrastructure development at affordable levels using environmentally sustainable approaches, which meet the growing needs of developing countries. IIB-DG offer state of the art, innovative and affordable technology and work with the governments and local partners including where possible, setting up manufacturing plants locally to produce building units for residential and commercial structures.
Media Contacts
Carolina Mateos
Corporate Affairs and Investor Relations
IIB Development Group