RIVERSTREAM INVESTMENT CC represented by CEO, Job Shinime Teohelus, signed on June 1, 2020 with IIB-DG Africa an agreement for the financing and construction of 25,0000 social housing. RIVERSTREAM INVESTMENT CC wishes the project to be carried out and financed by IIB Development Group, LLC.
The construction project of 25,000 houses, which will be built at the national level, with Luanda being 15,000 houses of type T4 A and 10,000 houses of type T4 B, in the remaining 13 provinces, which will be carried out by GRUPO CAMUKWENU, a company governed by Angolan law in partnership with IIB-DG Africa.
We take into account the current context of enormous need of Angolan families and the need to respond to the program launched by the Government for the construction of houses for public and military officials from the following sectors: Social Security Fund of the Angolan Armed Forces, National Directorate of the Prison Services, General Command of the National Police, National Command of the Angolan Navy, National Directorate of Criminal Investigation Services, National Assembly, National Directorate of Fiscal Police, National Directorate of Fiscal Police, PGR, CPP, TCL etc., come in this initiative the hope of realizing the dream of home ownership.
The project is a partnership between AMATRA, LIMIAR, CPP, and the Camukwenu group company. AMATRA is a company created by the Social Security Fund of the Angolan Armed Forces, with the objective of managing private projects of this institution and the Ministry of Defense. LIMIAR is a public institution of benefit attached to the Ministry, the Angolan Armed Forces and CPP; it is a Providence Vault of the Ministry of Education. These institutions have the objective of guaranteeing connections of habitability to the employees of each of the institutions mentioned above.
GRUPO CAMUKWENU, as a private company, was hired to develop an architectural project and build houses for these employees. In this case, we have a contract signed with each of these institutions. Also, note that the CAMUKWENU GROUP has the responsibility to find financing and build the 25,000 houses. AMATRA, its patron, guarantees investment security as well as other institutions. Everyone has comfort letter from guardianship institutions among other possible data.
From the efforts made, it was possible to identify in the international market the partner with the technical and financial capacity to carry out this project, which is particularly important for all those who dedicated the best phase of their lives to the defense of this country, whose profile is an integral part of this dossier.
For the execution of this project, a partnership in a consortium format will be signed between GRUPO CAMUKWENU, LDA and RIVESTREAM INVESTMENT CC, a Namibian law represented by Mr. JOB SHINIME THEOPHELUS, a company with the capacity to raise financing or investors to finance the construction of 25,000 houses and consequently infrastructures and social areas, schools, and hospitals.
The study presupposes the fundamental bases for the granting of the intended financing for the implementation of the project under analysis in the amount of USD 1,750,000,000.00 (One Billion and seven hundred and fifty million US dollars).
About IIB-DG Africa
IIB Development is a consortium of US-based companies specializing in financing and infrastructure development. IIB Development Group brings together experts in synergistic industries to develop turnkey innovative solutions in infrastructure and development – housing, roads, water and wastewater, energy, railways as well as financing of all these projects
IIB Development Group is a centre of excellence for financing and infrastructure development at affordable levels using environmentally sustainable approaches, which meet the growing needs of developing countries. IIB-DG offers state-of-the-art, innovative, and affordable technology and works with the governments and local partners, including, where possible, setting up manufacturing plants locally to produce building units for residential and commercial structures.
For over 40 years, DR. Horton, a member of IIB-Development Group has been building, constructing, producing machines and transferring technology to its customers all over the world. DR. Horton is listed in all magazine as the Number #1 Home Builder in America and the world with billions of revenues per year.
IIB Development Group is a leading provider of an innovative building system capable to reduce the construction time in the high-scale housing projects, thus offering a strong solution in the socio-economic development of emerging markets throughout the world. Building system allows fast, efficient, and large-scale construction through the construction of innovative products and processes.
RIVERSTREAM INVESTMENT CC, a Windhoek-based Company Reg No. CCl2A16/03362, located at John Meinert Skeet and Hoseo Kutoko, C/O Nommic House, Windhoek, Namibia
Morijob.tj@gmoil.com. Cell: +26481-467-6791
The main objectives of the project are:
- Contribute to minimizing the housing shortage that the country is experiencing;
- Restore the dignity of the families of Angolan civil servants;
- Contribute to the well-being of families; Contribute to government efforts to solve housing problems
GRUPO CAMUKWENU LDA is an Angolan company dedicated to the provision of services, civil construction, general trade, and agriculture, headquartered in the province of Luanda, municipality of Viana, registered at the conservatory of the single ticket office of companies under nº 13/14, published in the Diário da Republica III series, May 18, 2014, Nº Contribution (TIN) 5444000679
Media Contacts
Carolina Mateos
Corporate Affairs and Investor Relations
IIB Development Group