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Cités Ferroviaires modern pour un Congo Nouveau






70% IIB-DG


August 20, 2022


5.138866629 BILLION


51.38866629 BILLION


Cités Ferroviaires modern pour un Congo Nouveau by PJ Network Holdings SAS acquired on August 20, 2022.

The bad state of the railway infrastructure at present PJNET sets itself the purpose, not only to raise this sector completely from bankruptcy but also to modernize it.

The economic growth of a country is always accompanied by increased market activity, both consumption (demand) and production of goods (supply). The consequence of this is an increase transport demand. Rail freight transport provides outstanding advantages for mining commodities due to the large volumes that can be carried, particularly relevant to mining sites. The use of rail implies removal of this same high volume from the roads, resulting in the reduction of road damage and reduction in CO2 emissions. The whole country will be interconnected with the major routes of the country and to the deep-water ports, to transport goods intended for export and import by the DRC and other countries. This will also provide a rail solution within Southern Africa countries who’s rail systems are seriously in dire situation, also opening opportunities to invest in the railway infrastructure within these countries around DRC. This project will improve the GDP of the region.

  • Convinced of the importance of investment with knock-on effect on the economy of the country and creation of employment.
  • Considering that the IIB-DG is a company located in Washington DC, United States of America, which has significant development resources (technical, physical, financial, management capacity) and wishes to participate in the design, financing, construction and execution of the project
  • Considering that the owner wishes the projects to be carried out and financed by IIB Development Group, LLC
  • Considering that the owner and IIB Development Group, LLC are ready to cooperate and wish to jointly pursue, in the form and manner agreed upon in the final agreement, the execution and financing of the project.
  • Considering the need to define a frame of reference called to govern the business relations between the Parties.
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