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Raising liquidity, using financial instruments, for Projects, Job Creation and Humanitarian funding only, and adhering to all governing Anti-Money Laundering regulatory requirements of the United States of America and the European Union for the transfer of funds. All to comply with US Banking Commission Circular of December 1998, and the US Patriot Act of 2001 along with all current United States Anti Money Laundering Laws and statutes.

The Individuals also acknowledge that IIB is a private company, not registered Securities Officer but will adhere to all regulatory requirements as required funds shall be used as follows: 20% for Unrestricted Corporate use and 80% disbursed for Project and Humanitarian use only, requirement are: Full Project Summary, Budget Estimate Analysis, Development Team such as a General Contract, Architectural Firm to be selected, permitting, any relevant information related to the project and an overall Brief Funding Summary for Project and Humanitarian use. 80% disbursed for Project and Humanitarian use shall be managed by IIB.

Raising capital, liquid capital in the form of a line of credit. These liquid funds allow to invest in the self-directed for the buying and selling of financial instruments and utilize the invested funds to raise more capital to buy and sell various financial instruments that will produce non-recourse loans that may be used to fund projects.

The funds being provided,are from clean, cleared funds of non-criminal origin, derived from legitimate business or investment activities and also, all financial instruments used to complete this transaction to be authentic, legitimate and of non-criminal origin and are derived from and issued under due process of the appropriate institutions and obtained legally and complying with all the rules and regulations of the institution.

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